Ms. Constance Sithole
Constance Sithole (1946-2013) was an avid student who devoted herself to studying the details of whatever topic interested her. She loved people on purpose and laughed easily. Constance Sithole was an instrumental force in the founding of Project It Takes a Village, Inc conducting home visits and getting intimately connected with the stories of the families we partnered with. She established a close tie with the community of Glen View as well as the community in the US when she traveled. It was only fitting to name these scholars after her upon her passing.
Her Story
Constance Sithole was born on April 11th, 1944 at Mount Selinda Hospital. In 1965, she trained as a teacher at Morgenster Mission established in 1891 by the Dutch in the town of Masvingo. Her first teaching assignment was at Muchuva Primary school in Buhera Disrict and many have attested to how her love changed their lives.